- 2 minutes to read

Mule ESB Logging Agent

Enable end-to-end logging from the Mule ESB/MuleSoft platform (on-premise and in the cloud)

graph LR subgraph "Mule based platform" roMule["Mule ESB / MuleSoft"] --> |log4j| roLA["Nodinite Log Agent"] end subgraph "Nodinite Environment" roLogAPI(fal:fa-cloud-download Log API) roLA --> |Logging| roLogAPI roLogAPI --> roDB(fal:fa-database Log Databases) end
  • Mule On-Premise - Using Log4J Log Appender files.
  • Cloudhub / Anypoint - Using the built-in backend database and accessed using the API:s.

Nodinite provide self-service to your business Users using role-based Log Views.


Nodinite offers two different approaches to enable message logging from Mule ESB flows.

  1. Mule ESB - Custom Connector - This is our recommendation. With this option, the Nodinite Mule ESB Logging Agent is not required at all, since you are using an Asynchronous Logging option in combination with the Nodinite Pickup Service.
  2. Make use of the built-in Logging shape - This is not our recommendation.

The Nodinite Mule ESB Logging Agent make use of the output from the 2nd option, e.g. with the logs (log4j) with the message payload and associated promoted properties from your Mule ESB flows.

Supported Versions

Versions ranging from Mule 3.6.x and onwards are supported. In addition, all editions, standalone runtime and Enterprise are supported.


Please review the MuleSoft platform blog for additional information.

Next Step

Install Mule Log Agent
Configuration of the Log Agent

Pickup Service
Add or manage Log Agents
Log Agents
Add or manage a Log View
Log Views